
Our vision is to promote civic engagement across a broad spectrum of our society.

We create and support philanthropic initiatives with the goal of developing systemic solutions to social challenges.

In the literal sense, philanthropy means humanity or love of humanity. The term describes charitable action for fellow human beings, characterized by social responsibility.

The term social responsibility describes an attitude of value that acts like an umbrella over the goals and visions of the foundations and organizations represented in the house.

The House of Philanthropy is a co-creation space for nonprofit foundations and philanthropy-related organizations with diverse focuses and areas of effectiveness.

House of Philanthropy

With the House of Philanthropy Vienna, a place was created in the “old stock exchange” that encourages synergies, cooperation and mutual inspiration. The house offers space for everything that charitable foundations and organizations deal with on a daily basis – from sustainable projects for disadvantaged people and their environment to dealing with each other or even entrepreneurship with social impact.

The House of Philanthropy Vienna is home to the the pioneers of Austrian philanthropy.

Here we work side by side and with each other every day, supporting and inspiring each other.

Ashoka Österreich

Ashoka is the world's leading organization for the promotion of social entrepreneurs - founders who solve social problems at their roots with innovative concepts, creativity and their own risk.

Blühendes Österreich
REWE International charitable private foundation

We make our country bloom. Our vision is a species-rich, colorful Austria. Blühendes Österreich - REWE International gemeinnützige Privatstiftung is the first and largest private-sector initiative for biodiversity and sustainable agriculture
in Austria.

Essl Foundation

The Essl Foundation has social and scientific focuses, mainly to support people with disabilities. Zero Project is the largest project of the Essl Foundation, a worldwide network project around innovations for people with disabilities.

HerzTraum Immo

HerzTraum builds on sustainability.
The company has managed to combine profitability and humanity on the basis of social values, thus creating space for change. 50% of the net proceeds from each property sold go to People Share to support children's aid projects.


Privileges are invisible to those who enjoy them!" Under this motto, the Hil Foundation encourages people who have fewer opportunities than others to lead their lives in a self-determined manner.


The MINTality Foundation aims to get girls excited about STEM (mathematics, computer science, natural sciences and technology) at an early age and to maintain this enthusiasm into their working lives. As a driver of innovation, it promotes targeted, high-impact measures and works with companies to break down stereotypical role models.


netidee is Austria's major open source Internet promotion campaign.

This promotion campaign is organized and financed by the Internet Foundation in the sense of its non-profit foundation purpose, the promotion of the Internet in Austria.

PeopleShare Foundation

The non-profit private foundation PeopleShare supports needy children and their families in leading a fulfilled and dignified life. The foundation's commitment is also intended to serve as an inspiration to other people and to animate them to make a lasting positive change in our society.

Verband für gemeinnütziges Stiften

The "Verband für gemeinnütziges Stiften" independently represents and networks charitable actors in and for Austria: all foundations and funds that are active in a charitable way and have a connection to Austria form a movement that acts with commitment and makes our society more resilient and sustainable.

Bildung Tomorrow
Die Stiftung für zukunftsfähige Bildung.

Bildung Tomorrow (Sinnbildungsstiftung) was established in 2019 on the initiative of the Sinnstifter as a co-foundation of the BMBWF's Innovation Foundation for Education. The promotion of innovative educational programs to sustainably improve educational quality and educational opportunities is the focus of the foundation's work. Together with Bildünger, the platform for internationally networked education funding, Bildung Tomorrow seeks out and evaluates initiatives that dare to do something new and find solutions. To this end, it builds bridges and pools resources from the public and private sectors.

As a public-private partnership, Bildung Tomorrow guarantees the highest standards of quality.

#futurelearning - that's the mission.


Around 15 foundations have joined forces to form the Sinnstifter association to support charitable, innovative projects. The common goal is to support social initiatives and/or innovations or to launch them themselves. Not only financial resources are used for this purpose; the founders and foundation representatives are also personally committed to the projects and support them with their know-how and networks.

Together we are there for you

Together we are there for youWe want to carry the social and ecological idea into the world in a participatory way. With our many years of expertise in the non-profit sector, we are happy to provide you with advice and support.

Contact and directions

Schottenring 16/3.floor, 1010 Vienna
Access via main entrance of the old stock exchange at Schottenring and lifts 5 and 6

Public transportation:
Streetcar lines D, 1 and 71 stop directly in front of the old stock exchange and the House of Philanthropy.

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